When it comes to the piano, a lot of people to the spirit, because it can not only make beautiful melody sounds, but also many students nightmare. A lot of people both parents had been sent to the piano class. Learning the piano, also is not an easy thing, so many people who have no interest in squealed. The piano is a keyboard instrument of western classical music, it consists of an Italian westphal Foley (Bartolomeo Cristofori, 1655-1731) in 1709, has been 306 years ago.
What kind of instrument can reflect the prince most temperament?
Boy answers may be varied, but the girl answers must be a piano, senior dress custom suits, long jump and clean fingers on the keys, handsome male leading role from time to time for your warm smile, the basic picture is the sort of youth idol drama, in order to impress the like girl's attention, how many haven't learned the piano boy sat in front of the piano.
You may think that the piano is to score by pressing the keys of the corresponding line, don't even need to control my breathing like playing the flute, but really is the most difficult piano playing Musical Instruments, the use of the three pedals we don't speak, just the keys can halo around you, because it has two kinds of color of the keys, large and long white keys and clip in the middle of the white the black keys.
Why there are two kinds of piano keys?
It also from speaking of twelve-tone equal temperament, also known as "ten second-class Cheng Lv" of twelve-tone equal temperament, is a law of music method and the simple said is a set of sound into twelve semitone interval. "A set of sound" is what we usually say an octave (i.e., from 1 to 1 treble in the numbered musical notation), split this group of twelve-tone sound's approach is to the octave interval according to the frequency ratio into twelve pieces, such as the ratio of the number of vibration between the adjacent two law completely equal, each equal parts we call it a half, called a whole two semitones are closed.
And according to the design of twelve-tone piano, between its two key are separated by a chromatic scale. Such as do the sound of strings, and it to the right of the black keys are separated by a half, and the black keys and its strings separated by a chromatic scale on the right. So from the beginning of the hair do strings, adjacent to the right of the seven strings (corresponding to the do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si seven) comprise the octave, but if you count, you will find that among the seven strings only five black keys, instead of six, because according to the rule of thirds of twelve-tone equal temperament, sounds and fa mi between separated only a half, so there's no need to insert a black keys.
On a standard piano with a total of 52 white and 36 black keys, a total of 88 key, it is because of the existence of the black keys, the piano to more rich, full sound, for the people who don't play the piano, his limited knowledge of music theory may make him more used to seeing from 1 to 7 chords, for chromatic playing is very strange. So, it is easy to make piano voice, play good but quite difficult.
Anyway, the piano black keys and white is playing the piano keys. Is such, is to distinguish clearly the chromatic and tone. May have active thinking of the students will ask, why the piano keys have to be black and white, instead of color? In fact, black and white and dichromatic easier to identify, key and key are the obvious distinguish, not colourful let players dizziness.