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Home » How is the piano damp
How is the piano damp
2016-10-13 20:21:26   ¡¾number of times read:636¡¿

   There is almost any place in the piano, and the hammer is made with a felt. This is mainly in order to make the need for activities where the sound is not issued, the machine has 

a soft feeling, to prevent the rusty steel, with a fence hit string sound beautiful and so on. So it is important to protect these wines and blankets. In order not to make it snake 

insects, you can in the machine frame of the screw cap, left and right hanging a bag of health ball, while opening the door, in the pedal on both sides also spread some health ball.

      There is no nail in the piano, all by the glue and glue glue, so to moisture. Moisture is not only for the sake of degumming, but also because the damp will make many parts are 

not flexible, the wire will rust. So moisture is also very important in the South should pay attention to this point. The house of the piano is best to have a floor, and if there is no 

floor, it is better to put it upstairs. No floor, no floor, and damp, then you can do a small wooden platform, as if the classroom in the podium, the piano on the small stage, it can 

also moisture. If the room is particularly humid, you can also spread some lime below the small table. You can also put some desiccant in the piano.

Some people in order to protect the piano, made with velvet piano sets, from head to toe package was strict, and even with plastic cloth, three or four layers to wrap up. This 

subjective is to protect the piano, objectively damage the piano, made a little airtight, which is most vulnerable to moisture. I have seen a very new piano so wrapped, and as a 

result all the parts are almost damp and rusty. In fact, as long as a piece of cloth cover, so that dust can go in it.

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